Good news that stands out from the noise.

The Lutheran Difference

Historian Mark Noll once wrote an article in which he said, “These are words that Americans need to hear. They need to hear them in church, but they also need to hear them in the universities, in the boardrooms of corporations, in the halls of Congress, in the military, in homes and schools and shopping malls and on athletic fields and the factory floor—in every place where the restless hearts of men and women search for meaning, forgiveness, truth, and the hope of life.” 

Even though he was not a Lutheran himself, he was talking about words that are distinctly Lutheran. This class highlights the distinct teachings of the Lutheran faith and what makes those teachings exactly the good news people need to hear.

This class is also intended to give a basic overview of the Bible's teachings for anyone interested in membership at Good News.


  • Date/Time Options:
    Sundays from 10:15-11:00 a.m. (after worship)
    Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30p
    Online video-based study
  • Length: 10 Weeks
  • Free childcare provided


  • The good news about righteousness
  • The good news about God's presence
  • The good news about truth
  • The good news about me
  • The good news about doing good
  • The good news about evil
  • The good news about politics

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